Computer Repair Near Accra GH - GH


Open Monday to Thursday - 10:00AM to 4:00PM


Increase the Efficiency of your Operations

Redundancies or inconsistencies build up
when building any business, over time. You
don't particularly notice the waste, until
they combine into liabilities and headaches.
Normally, there aren't such solutions as
to combine different systems; however,
that is where we come in. Every problem
can and will be broken down into their
more manageable constituents.
The trick is also in putting everything
back together, with each individual type
of piece & glue, in a manner of speaking.

All we require of you, is imagination.
Make us a pen & paper list of your
machinery, technology and resources.
Then make another list, with any new
feature you once thought of, but later
determined to be infeasible because the
technology was too complicated.
We will make those happen!
Realize that you'll need to shift your
perspective in a more creative way,
in order to benefit most from us.
But do not worry. We will go over your
in full, several times over.
We will make suggestions for increased
efficiencies when we see them.
These could be as minor as moving a few
items around, changing aspects of your
network configuration, to building your
security system, automated monitoring,
and more! The sky is the limit.

We can connect, or interface, any aspect
within your business, to others within
your business, and outside of it too.
We Do Custom Software Solutions!
Redundancies or inconsistencies build up
We utilize REST API calls when they're
available, but don't mind getting our
hands dirty with shell scripts, python,
or any other language which fits
the situation best.

Services offered:

Automated Monitoring:
We can make sure your production line
remains operational, triggering alarms
when certain behavior (which you define)
occurs. You also control which actions you
want it to respond with.
Automated Testing:
Customize system wide automated reporting
for anything vital to you, which you want
to keep track of. Whether web traffic, or
water levels from a sump pump, we'll help.
Automatic Imaging:
For Tech. Companies, in GH we offer system image
setups for large-scale cloning; complete
with post scripts, tested for your needs.
Interface Programming:
Whether it's two or twenty, we'll setup a
system manager program for you, connecting
each unique individual interface into it.
In our consultations, we first talk about
what you want from your current system.
Phone Support:
Let our state-of-the-art AIs handle traffic
for you, which would normally go to your
competitors, when a person isn't able to
reach you in time. Whether you are busy
elsewhere, all your phones are tied up, or
you're sleeping, we can help you.
The first step of the process, is to scan &
email all documentation your customers see
when they are at your business, to Our AI.
That helps while it later generates the
specifications for your own AI.
All information on your website is then
scanned, as it fills important details
which your customers often request.
Semantic connections are formed between
branches of your business, with triggers
and actions which only YOU specify!
Customized, system wide automated reporting
Would you like your restaurant or business
handle as many people calling as possible?
Whether it's scheduling work, ordering
products, calling customers, managing
employees or running your store,
We Can Help You!
We provide electronics and computer repair to these cities: Kadoma - Beitbridge - Epworth - Rusape - Chipinge - Gweru - Karoi - Redcliff - Harare - Manicaland - Matabeleland North - Chegutu - Matabeleland South - Masvingo - Victoria Falls - Marondera - Mashonaland Central - Shurugwi - Kwekwe - Mutare - Kariba - Zvishavane - Mashonaland East - Midlands - Bindura - Norton - Chinhoyi - Bulawayo - Hwange - -

Need Directions?

We guarantee our work, provide detailed inventory, notes and
recommendations. Mostly our customers for these services are
local businesses in Accra Ghana, though we offer
all of our services to Everyone!
Be sure to check out our programs on
how to get rid of computer viruses here.
Try out our Speed Boost program for slow computers

Be sure to Call Us, or Stop By Anytime!

Computer RepairComputer Repair Accra GHGhana Computer Repair
Mac Repair Accra
Computer Services